Black Friday 2023 Offers from the Symfony Ecosystem

This year, the traditional Black Friday offers for Symfony ecosystem come early. Hurry up because they won't repeat until next year!

30% discount on all Symfony, Sylius, and Twig certifications

Show your Symfony expertise! Exams are online and you can take them from anywhere in the world; vouchers are valid up to one year after the

How to get the discount? Visit Symfony Certification website and use the CERTIF_30_BF23 coupon when purchasing any voucher.

This offer is valid anytime until November 27th, 2023.

30% discount on all SymfonyInsight yearly Team plans

SymfonyInsight helps you monitor your code quality and manage your technical debt. It also helps you upgrade to Symfony 6 and 7 with confidence.

How to get the discount? Visit SymfonyInsight website and use the SFI-BLACKFRIDAY-23 coupon when subscribing to a yearly team plan.

This offer is valid anytime until November 27th, 2023.

30% discount on your Symfony Certification Online Coaching by SensioLabs

Check the SensioLabs Black Friday Deal!

From November 20 to 27 included, enjoy 30% off your Symfony 6 or 7 Certification Online Coaching by SensioLabs, the creator of Symfony, with the code SLBLCK23.

Your voucher is valid one year. Buy your Symfony Certification Coaching at the best price now and start the sessions at any time!

40% discount on your SymfonyCasts subscription or renewal

SymfonyCasts: the once-a-year sale! Save 40% off your new subscription or renewal at SymfonyCasts only on November 23rd & 24th!

How to get the discount? Visit SymfonyCasts.

This offer is valid only from November 23rd morning to November 24th evening at 11:59 US Eastern time.

Get your Symfony conference/workshop tickets! The sooner you buy your tickets, the lower the rate is:

  • SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 - December 7 - 8, 2023: buy a ticket
  • SymfonyOnline January 2024 - January 18 – 19, 2024: buy a ticket
  • SymfonyLive Paris 2024 - Paris, March 28 – 29, 2024: buy a ticket

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