Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC
on, and our Discourse site
the Ember.js Core Team meets privately every
Friday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weekly
discussion of all things Ember.
If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favorite
core team member and let them know!
[@wycats]( -->
Revamp the Getting Started Guide
We're starting work to revamp
our Getting Started Guide.
TodoMVC is too small of an app to demonstrate enough topics. We were
holding off in hopes that there would be further progress on the successor
to TodoMVC but this project has stalled.
We're investigating building a Github Issues viewer. Our goals are to better
highlight areas where Ember really shines compared to other frameworks: Deeply
nested view and data hierarchies, url-driven applications, intuitive
query paramater behaviors.
Deprecating global view lookup from templates
As we move towards a world where ES6 syntax and modules
become viable we continue to deprecate some "old style"
globals lookup. The following uses will all trigger
deprecation warnings:
{{view "App.SomeThing"}}
{{view Oh.ThisToo}}
{{#collection itemViewClass="Some.Wow"}}
{{#collection itemViewClass=Not.Yet}}
{{#each itemView="Ugh.Why"}}
{{#each itemView=Something.Something}}
{{view Ember.Select value=whut}}