Countdown to The New Year - Ember CLI Mirage

This is the second in our December series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!
Day 2
Today we are going to look at one of our community's most popular addons- ember-cli-mirage.

What It Does
The ember-cli-mirage addon is a client-side server to help you build, test, and demo your Ember app. It helps developers be more productive by providing ways to generate fake data, allowing front-end engineers to spend more time focusing on the UI.
Why I Like It
As I was informally polling the community about their favorite Ember addons, ember-cli-mirage came up A LOT. For good reason, too. It's well-supported by the addon maintainers, there's a dedicated documentation site, and there's support on the Ember Community Discord server in the #ec-mirage channel.

"It’s a part of the ecosystem I dearly miss when I work with other frameworks."

As an extra bonus, EmberMap has generously made their "Mirage Tips and Tricks" video series free to everyone (usually for subscribers only!) for December. Be sure to check it out!
Do you use this addon? Or one like it? We'd love to hear about the Ember addons that bring you joy!