This is the 13th edition in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!
Day 13
Today we're going to look at ember-simple-auth!
What It Does
The ember-simple-auth
addon is a lightweight library that helps you implement authentication and authorization in your Ember applications. It takes care of maintaining a client side session and synchronizing it accross tabs and windows, so you don't have to worry about your user signing out in one tab and remaining signed in in others.
It comes with a set of authentication providers (OAuth, Device, Torri) and can be customized in case you need to support a different authentication mechanism. It also provides a session service and a series of mixins that will aid you in adding authorization information to your requests, defining which routes should be accessible only to signed in users, and controlling the user session.
Why I Like It
Adding authentication and authorization to an Ember application is one of those things that most developers will have to go through, at one time or another. Having a consistent way of doing so, where we don't have to implement the basics every time, is one of the advantages of having an ecosystem of addons. ember-simple-auth
is a cool library that covers the most common authentication needs, while at the same time being customizable for specific cases. It's well maintained and has a nice documentation to walk you throughthe integration with your app.
Do you already use ember-simple-auth
? Or is there any other addon you love? Let us know!