Ember Data 0.13

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of Ember Data 0.13.
Ember Data 0.13 is the first official release of Ember Data. This should
make it easier for people to synchronize Ember.js and Ember Data
versions, and make reasoning about the upgrade process much easier.
Ember Data 0.13
In the past few months, Ember Data has stabilized a lot. We still consider
it alpha, and recommend it for production use only to those who like to
live on the bleeding edge and contribute back to the project. To make life
easier for those folks, though, we will be cutting regular releases like we
do with Ember.js.
A few of the many folks involved in the changes in this release include
Tom Dale, Yehuda Katz, Cyril Fluck, Igor Terzic, Stefan Penner, Paul Chavard,
Gordon Hempton, Peter Wagenet. Thank you to you all and everyone else who
has contributed code and others.
API Revision Removal
Now that we are doing regular releases, the API revision check has been
removed. You no longer need to provide the API revision number when
defining your store:
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
// Delete this!
revision: 13

Ember Data Future Plans
Our immediate goals for Ember Data are stabilization, bug fixes, and
documentation. There are only two major areas of improvement planned
before we beging promoting builds to prerelease and RC versions:
Currently, most Ember Data APIs return objects that also implement a
then() method, allowing them to be used interchangeably as either
models or promises.
While this flexibility was convenient, it unfortunately caused confusing
semantics. Specifically, because a resolved promise stays resolved,
operations like reloading became very confusing.
While not in this release, you should expect that future releases of
Ember Data will shift to an entirely promise-based API. This both
resolves the issues with confusing semantics as well as allows us to
implement some exciting features, like more powerful polymorphism.
Thanks to Stefan Penner for leading the charge on this.
Error Handling
We want to make error handling and dealing with client and server
conflicts rock solid. A pull request from Paul Chavard
is currently open and looks like a solid starting point for error
handling. You should see much more development on this in the near