Today we are releasing Ember.js 1.8.1, a patch-level release of Ember that
fixes several minor regressions introduced in the 1.8 release.
Throw exception when attributeBindings
includes class
Prior to 1.8, it was possible to make class
part of attributeBindings
and have
those values merged with classNameBindings
. For example, with the following template
and code "from-template" and "from-class" would be merged into the DOM node's class
{{foo-bar class="from-template"}}
App.FooBarComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
classNameBindings: [':from-class'],
attributeBindings: ['class']
The intent of this code is unclear and the pre-1.8 behavior was unintentional. In Ember
1.8.1 an exception is thrown for including class
in attributeBindings
View instances
Passing view instances to the {{view}}
helper was broken in Ember.js 1.8. This behavior
has been restored.
Work-around provided for more iOS8 ARMv7 JIT Bugs
iOS8 has introduced a severe bug in optimized ARMv7 code. In 1.8.0 we worked around the issue
in a number of modules, and we have expanded our work around for more modules in 1.8.1
Further Reading:
Support rendering of null-prototype objects
meta-data objects in Ember-Data are null-prototype, a special kind of object created
with Object.create(null)
. In 1.8 these objects could not be rendered. 1.8.1 repairs
Support non-string unescaped content
In Ember 1.8 rendering an unescaped value that was not a string {{{someNumberLiteral}}}
would raise an exception. This has been fixed.
Support multiple option-rendering template blocks
In Ember 1.8, template strings are parsed into DOM via innerHTML
. Creating a stand-alone
option tag this way results in that tag being considered "selected" even if it is not
explicitly so. Consequently the last option of a select would often be selected upon
render instead of the first.
We've restored support for templates like this:
First option is selected at render in 1.8.1
{{#each item in items}}
Known whitespace issues in Chrome
Some templates may result in missing whitespace in Chrome. For example,
if the following template renders initially with no names, then updates
via data-binding later, the space between names may not be visible.
{{firstName}} {{lastName}}
In Ember.js 1.9 we expect to land a refactor to the morph library that
updates dynamic DOM content, and this should alleviate this issue. Merging
the refactor into a point release is
too risky, so we have labelled this issues a wont-fix.
The Chrome team has been notified of this bug and you can track
progress here.