AdminLTE 3 widgets for Yii2 ¶
- Installation
- CardToolsSupportTrait
- CardToolsHelper
- CardWidget
- TabsCardWidget
- ProfileCardWidget
- ContactCardWidget
- DirectChatWidget
AdminLTE 3 widgets for Yii2. At present time the extension includes
- CardToolsSupportTrait
- CardToolsHelper
- CardWidget
- TabsCardWidget
- ProfileCardWidget
- ContactCardWidget
- DirectChatWidget
Based on AdminLTE 3.1.0 More widgets, helpers and Gii will be added in the future.
Installation ¶The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require --prefer-dist co0lc0der/yii2-adminlte3-widgets "*"
or add
"co0lc0der/yii2-adminlte3-widgets": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
CardToolsSupportTrait ¶Public properties, its types and default values ¶
bool $collapse = true
- show / hide collapse button inside card headerbool $hide = false
- show / hide a collapsed card after initializationbool $expand = false
- show / hide maximize button inside card headerbool $close = false
- show / hide close button inside card headerarray $tools = []
- list of header tools (standard and custom labels, buttons, links)
CardToolsHelper ¶It helps to make buttons for a card header. See the example for CardWidget below.
CardWidget ¶This is the basic class. It use CardToolsSupport trait.
Public properties, its types and default values ¶
string $title
- title of a cardstring $color = ''
- color of a card header (Bootstrap 4 colors. 'success', 'danger' еtс.)bool $outline = false
- makes an outlined cardbool $background = false
- makes a colored card, uses $color property (Bootstrap 4 colors)bool $gradient = false
- makes a gradient card, uses $color property (Bootstrap 4 colors)string $footer = ''
- content of card footerstring $ajaxLoad = ''
- URL for loading data, if it is not empty it shows a spinner before data loadedstring $ajaxOverlay = 'overlay'
- type of loading overlay ('overlay', 'dark')string $shadow = ''
- type of card shadow ('shadow-none', 'shadow-sm', 'shadow', 'shadow-lg')array $cssClasses = []
- additional CSS classes (use space character as the first character). these class will add to the basic class. format:
0 => ' classes-for-card-wrapper',
1 => ' classes-for-card-header',
2 => ' classes-for-card-title',
3 => ' classes-for-card-body',
4 => ' classes-for-card-footer',
Example ¶<?php CardWidget::begin([
'title' => 'Some title', // title of a card
'color' => 'dark', // bootstrap color name 'success', 'danger' еtс.
'gradient' => true, // use gradient background
'expand' => true, // show maximize button in card header
'footer' => 'some footer', // content of card footer
'shadow' => 'shadow-sm', // use small shadow
'close' => true, // show close button in card header
'tools' => [ // array with config to add custom labels, buttons or links
CardToolsHelper::label('new', [
'class' => 'badge badge-primary',
'title' => 'New',
// OR you can use classic array
'class' => 'badge badge-primary',
'title' => 'New',
CardToolsHelper::a(['update', 'id' => 1], 'pencil-alt', '', ['title' => 'Update it']),
// OR you can use classic array
['update', 'id' => 1],
['title' => 'Update it'],
CardToolsHelper::button('cog', '', ['title' => 'some tooltip']),
// OR you can use classic array
['title' => 'some tooltip'],
<?= 'some content'; ?>
<?php CardWidget::end(); ?>
Rendered card ¶
TabsCardWidget ¶Public properties, its types and default values ¶
string $title
- title of a card, if title is empty tabs will be placed on the left side of the card headerstring $color = ''
- color of a card header (Bootstrap 4 colors. 'success', 'danger' еtс.)bool $outline = false
- makes an outlined cardbool $background = false
- makes a colored card, uses $color property (Bootstrap 4 colors)bool $gradient = false
- makes a gradient card, uses $color property (Bootstrap 4 colors)string $footer = ''
- content of card footerstring $shadow = ''
- type of card shadow ('shadow-none', 'shadow-sm', 'shadow', 'shadow-lg')array $tabs = []
- list of tabs (see an example below)
Example ¶<?= TabsCardWidget::widget([
'title' => 'Tabs example',
'footer' => 'some footer',
'tabs' => [
'title' => 'Tab1',
'id' => 'tab_1',
'content' => 'A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul,
like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.',
'active' => true,
'title' => 'Tab2',
'id' => 'tab_2',
'content' => 'The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth.
For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary.',
Rendered TabsCard ¶
Rendered TabsCard without title ¶
ProfileCardWidget ¶This class is extended of CardWidget therefore it has the same properties but it has its own properties listed below.
Public properties (excluding CardWidget properties), its types and default values ¶
string $name
- user namestring $image = ''
- user imagestring $position = ''
- user role or positionarray $rows = []
- list of rows (see an example below)
Example ¶<?php ProfileCardWidget::begin([
'name' => 'Jonathan Burke Jr.',
'position' => 'Software Engineer',
'image' => '../avatars/user2-160x160.jpg',
'color' => 'info',
'outline' => true,
'rows' => [
'Followers' => [
'Following' => ['373'],
'Friends' => ['3,127'],
'Projects' => [
"#" class="btn btn-primary btn-block"><b>Followb>a>
<?php ProfileCardWidget::end();?>
Rendered ProfileCard ¶
ContactCardWidget ¶To use this widget you should use echo
and widget()
method. It use CardToolsSupport trait.
Public properties, its types and default values ¶
string $name
- user namestring $image = ''
- user imagestring $position = ''
- user role or position (title of a card)$about = ''
- about user. format: array ['Web Designer', 'UX'] or stringstring $aboutTitle = 'About: '
- about titlestring $aboutSeparator = ' / '
- separator of about user if it is an arrayarray $info = []
- list of rows. format: FontAwesome icon => textstring $color = ''
- color of a card header (Bootstrap 4 colors. 'success', 'danger' еtс.)bool $outline = false
- makes an outlined card$footer = ''
- content of card footer, it can be some string or an array of buttonsstring $shadow = ''
- type of card shadow ('shadow-none', 'shadow-sm', 'shadow', 'shadow-lg')
Example ¶<?= ContactCardWidget::widget([
'name' => 'Jonathan Burke Jr.',
'position' => 'Software Engineer',
'image' => '../avatars/user2-160x160.jpg',
'color' => 'info',
'outline' => true,
'close' => true,
'aboutTitle' => 'Skills: ',
'about' => ['Web Designer', 'UX', 'Graphic Artist', 'Coffee Lover'],
'info' => [
'fa-building' => 'Address: Demo Street 123, Demo City 04312, NJ',
'fa-phone' => 'Phone #: + 800 - 12 12 23 52',
'fa-envelope' => 'Email:',
'footer' => [
['update', 'id' => 1],
' View profile',
Rendered ContactCard ¶
DirectChatWidget ¶This class is extended of CardWidget therefore it has the same properties but it has its own properties listed below.
Public properties (excluding CardWidget properties), its types and default values ¶
string $chatColor = 'primary'
- chat messages color (Bootstrap 4 colors. 'success', 'danger' еtс.)string $author = ''
- author's name, this property is used to highlight author's messages with $chatColorarray $messages = []
- array of messagesarray $contacts = []
- contacts list. if it is empty there will be no chat icon in the header of the chatstring $noMessages = 'There is no messages in the chat'
- the message which will be shown if $messages is emptystring $sendFormUrl = ''
- URL to send a new messagestring $sendFormButtonTitle = 'Send'
- title of send buttonstring $sendFormPlaceholder = 'Type Message ...'
- placeholder for send form
Example ¶<?php DirectChatWidget::begin([
'title' => 'Admin direct chat',
'color' => 'info',
'chatColor' => 'info',
'close' => true,
'author' => 'Admin',
'sendFormPlaceholder' => 'Type your message here ...',
'sendFormButtonTitle' => '',
'tools' => [
CardToolsHelper::label('3', [
'class' => 'badge badge-dark',
'title' => '3 new messages',
// OR you can use classic array
'class' => 'badge badge-dark',
'title' => '3 new messages',
'messages' => [
'23 Jan 2:00 pm',
'Is this template really for free? That\'s unbelievable!',
'Sarah Bullock',
'23 Jan 2:04 pm',
'You better believe it!',
'23 Jan 5:07 pm',
'Working with AdminLTE on a great new app! Wanna join?',
'Sarah Bullock',
'23 Jan 6:10 pm',
'I would love to.',
'25 Jan 1:00 pm',
'test message!',
'contacts' => [
'How have you been? I was...',
'Sarah Bullock',
'I will be waiting for...',
<?php DirectChatWidget::end(); ?>
Rendered DirectChat ¶
Rendered DirectChat (Contact list) ¶