[extension] ed-smartass/yii2-settings

yii2-relation-behavior Installation composer require ed-smartass/yii2-relation-behavior

Example use Smartass\Yii2RelationBehavior\RelationBehavior;

// ...

* @inheritdoc
public function behaviors()
return [
// ...
'relation' => [
'class' => RelationBehavior::class,
'relations' => [
// Many to one relation
'manufacturer' => [
'target' => Manufacturer::class,
'link' => ['manufacturer_id' => 'manufacturer_id']
// One to many relation
'modelCategories' => [
'target' => ModelCategories::class,
'link' => ['model_id' => 'model_id'],
'multiple' => true
// Many to many relation
'categories' => [
'target' => Category::class,
'link' => ['category_id' => 'category_id'],
'multiple' => true,
'via' => 'modelCategories'
// ...

// ...

Relation settings

  • target — target class

  • Type: string
  • Required: true
  • link — link condition (same as native yii2 declaration)
    • Type: array
    • Required: true
  • multiple — is multiple relation or not (if true relation will be like $this->hasMany(...) overwise $this->hasOne(...))
    • Type: bool
    • Required: false
    • Default: false
  • onCondition — linking condition (will expand to $this->hasMany(...)->onCondition(['status' => Category::STATUS_ACTIVE]))
    • Type: array|null
    • Required: false
    • Default: null
  • filter — extra linking filter
    • Type: array|string|Closure|null
    • Required: false
    • Default: null
  • via — name of junction relation (will expand to $this->hasMany(...)->via(...))
    • Type: string|null
    • Required: false
    • Default: false
  • extraColumns — extra column for linking many to many relations
    • Type: array|null
    • Required: false
    • Default: []
  • find - Callback for searching related record from array (if you set relation value $model->manufacturer = ['manufacturer_id' => 12])
    • Type: Closure|null
    • Required: false
    • Default: Closure (Searching by all pk keys)
  • How to use This behavior will allow you to use related models like usuall without created extra methods like:
    public function getCategories()
    return $this->hasMany(...);

    Instead, you just need to declare this in the behavior like on example.__
    In addition, this behavior can create or save changes to the related model. To do this, behavior uses a transaction. So you can do this:
    $model->categories = [
    ['category_id' => 1], // Will find (or create if not exists) category with category_id `1`
    ['category_id' => 2, 'name' => 'New name'], // Will find (or create) category with category_id `1` and change name
    ['name' => 'New category'] // Will create new category

    **Each related model will be validated before saving. If it fails, the transaction will be canceled.**__
    **Don't foget add relations to model `rules` as `safe`**

    • @inheritdoc
      public function rules()
      return [ // ...
      ['categories', 'safe'],
      // ...


    Limitation This behavior will successfully save only truly basic relations

    • One to many
    • Many to one
    • Many to many