[extension] lubosdz/yii2-template-engine

Yii2 Template Engine

  1. Simple placeholders
  2. Built-in directives
  3. IF .. ELSEIF .. ELSE .. ENDIF
  5. SET command
  6. Dynamic directives
  7. 1.0.0, released 2021-12-13

Simple, fast and flexible HTML templating engine for Yii2 PHP framework with zero configuration.
Supports basic control structures (IF, FOR, SET), dynamic directives and active record relations.
It is similar to Twig or Blade, though much simpler.
Installation $ composer require "lubosdz/yii2-template-engine : ~1.0"

Basic usage Initiate template engine inside Yii application:
$engine = new \lubosdz\yii2\TemplateEngine;

or register as a component in app/config/main.php:
'components' => [
'engine' => [
'class' => 'lubosdz\yii2\TemplateEngine',

$engine = Yii::$app->template;

Use method $engine->render($html [, $values]) to generate HTML output:

  • $html = source HTML markup with placeholders like {{ processMe }}
  • $values = array of values like pairs [processMe => value] to be injected into or evaluated inside placeholders

Simple placeholders Templating engine collects all placeholders within supplied HTML markup and attempts to replace them with matching $values or evaluate as control structure.
Placeholders that have not been processed are left untouched by default. This behaviour is suitable for development.
In production, setting $engine->setForceReplace(true) can be set to replace unprocessed placeholders with empty string.
$html = 'Hello {{ who }}!';
$values = ['who' => 'world'];
$html = $engine->render($html, $values);
// output: "Hello world!"

Built-in directives Template engine comes with couple of generally usable methods for basic date,
time and string manipulation - directives. These can be referenced directly
inside supplied HTML markup. Directives use the pipe operator | to chain
operations within the placeholder.
$html = $engine->render('Generated on {{ today }} at {{ time }}.');
// output example - respects EN locale: "Generated on Dec 31, 2021 at 11:59pm."
// output example - respects SK/CS locale: "Generated on 31. 12. 2021 at 23:59."

$html = $engine->render('Let's meet at {{ now(7200) | time }}.');
// output example, if now is 8:30am: "Let's meet at 10:30am." (shift +2 hours = 7200 secs)

$html = $engine->render('My name is {{ user.name | escape }}.', ['user' => [
'name' => '',
// filtered output: "My name is <John>."

$html = $engine->render('Hello {{ user.name | truncate(5) | e }}.', ['user' => [
'name' => '',
// truncated and filtered output: "Hello <John...."

Specific for the Yii 2 framework, object properties as well as related models (AR)
are automatically collected, if referenced inside placeholders.
$html = $engine->render('Hello {{ customer.name }}.', [
'user' => Customer::findOne($id), // find active record
// output e.g.: "Hello John Doe."

$html = $engine->render('Address is {{ customer.address.city }} {{ customer.address.zip }}.', [
'user' => Customer::findOne($id), // Customer has defined relation to object `Address`
// output e.g.: "Address is Prague 10000."

IF .. ELSEIF .. ELSE .. ENDIF Control structure IF .. ELSEIF .. ELSE .. ENDIF is supported:
$templateHtml = "
{{ if countOrders > 0 }}
Thank you!
{{ else }}
Sure you want to leave?
{{ endif }}

$values = [
'countOrders' => count(Customer::findOne($id)->orders);

$html = $engine->render($templateHtml, $values);
// output e.g.: "Thank you!" - if some order found

FOR ... ELSEFOR .. ENDFOR Structure FOR ... ELSEFOR .. ENDFOR will create loop:
$templateHtml = "

{{ for item in items }}
{{ SET subtotal = item.qty * item.price * (100 + item.vat) / 100 }}

#{{ loop.index }}
{{ item.description }}
{{ item.qty }}
{{ item.price | round(2) }}
{{ item.vat | round(2) }}%
{{ subtotal | round(2) }} €

{{ SET total = total + subtotal }}
{{ endfor }}

Amount due: {{ total | round(2) }} Eur

$values = [
'items' => [
['description' => 'Item one', 'qty' => 1, 'price' => 1, 'vat' => 10],
['description' => 'Item two', 'qty' => 2, 'price' => 2, 'vat' => 20],
['description' => 'Item three', 'qty' => 3, 'price' => 3, 'vat' => 30],
['description' => 'Item four', 'qty' => 4, 'price' => 4, 'vat' => 40],

$html = $engine->render($templateHtml, $values);
// outputs valid HTML table with items e.g.: "#1 ..."

Following auxiliary variables are available inside each loop:

  • index .. (int) 1-based iteration counter
  • index0 .. (int) 0-based iteration counter
  • length .. (int) total number of items/iterations
  • first .. (bool) true on first iteration
  • last .. (bool) true on last iteration

SET command Allows manipulating local template variables:
{{ SET subtotal = item.qty * item.price * (100 + item.vat) / 100 }}
{{ SET total = total + subtotal }}

See also example under IF.
Note: shorthand syntax += e.g. SET total += subtotal is NOT supported.
Dynamic directives Dynamic directives can be added at runtime as callable anonymous functions accepting arguments.
In the following example we will attach dynamic directive named coloredText
and render output with colored text:
// attach dynamic directive
$this->engine->setDirective('coloredText', function($text, $color){
return "{$text}";

// process template - we can set different text color for each call
$result = $this->engine->render("this is {{ output | coloredText(yellow) }}", [
'output' => 'colored text',
// output: "this is colored text"


  • see tests/TemplateEngineTest.php for more examples
  • Running tests via phpunit on NuSphere's PhpEd in debug mode:

use -d parameter to inject debugging arguments, e.g. > phpunit -d DBGSESSID=12655478@ %*

  • Adding functionality - simply extend TemplateEngine class:

class MyRenderer extends \lubosdz\yii2\TemplateEngine
// your code, custom directives, override parent methods ..

Changelog 1.0.0, released 2021-12-13

  • initial release