[extension] mgrechanik/gridviewfilterfix

Fix for Yii2 GridView filter functionality to work properly with Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5

  1. What is it about?
  2. Installing
  3. How to use

What is it about? When you are using Yii2 default GridView you might meet a problem that validation errors for filter model are not displayed properly, like this:

Installing Installing through composer:: The preferred way to install this library is through composer.
Either run
composer require --prefer-dist mgrechanik/gridviewfilterfix
or add
"mgrechanik/gridviewfilterfix" : "~1.0.0"
to the require section of your composer.json.
How to use Add the following lines of code to your main configuration file:
1) For Bootstrap 4
'container' => [
'definitions' => [
\yii\grid\GridView::class => [
'dataColumnClass' => \mgrechanik\gridviewfilterfix\Bs4DataColumn::class

2) For Bootstrap 5
'container' => [
'definitions' => [
\yii\grid\GridView::class => [
'dataColumnClass' => \mgrechanik\gridviewfilterfix\Bs5DataColumn::class