[extension] sadi01/yii2-post-ecommerce

Electronic Commerce Service of National Iranian Post Company for Yii 2

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. How To Use

This extension provides the Post E-Commerce Service integration for the Yii framework 2.0.
For license information check the LICENSE-file.
Installation The preferred way to install this extension is through composer:
composer require --prefer-dist sadi01/yii2-post-ecommerce:"*"

Configuration To use this extension, you have to configure the PostService class in your application configuration:
return [
'components' => [
'PostEcommerce' => [
'class' => 'sadi01\postecommerce\components\PostService',
'username' => 'your username',
'password' => 'your password',
'secretKey' => 'your secretKey',

How To Use Create shop:
use sadi01\postecommerce\components\PostService;
use sadi01\postecommerce\components\Shop;
$shop = new Shop([
'city_id' => 752,
'username' => 'test',
'name' => 'test',
'phone' => '0213410002',
'mobile' => '09379373737',
'email' => 'test@test.test',
'postal_code' => '7612458965',
'website_url' => 'https://test.test',
'manager_name' => 'test',
'manager_family' => 'test',
'manager_birth_date' => '1368/01/01',
'manager_national_id' => '2982561020',
'manager_national_id_serial' => '12G526713',
'start_date' => '1401/03/16',
'end_date' => '1402/03/16',
'need_to_collect' => 1,
/* @var $postService PostService /
$postService = Yii::$app->PostEcommerce;
Create barcode:
use sadi01\postecommerce\components\PostService;
use sadi01\postecommerce\components\Shop;
$price = new Price([
'shop_id' => 565656,
'weight' => 1000,
'service_type' => 1,
'destination_city_id' => 1,
'value' => 2000000,
'payment_type' => 88,
'non_standard_package' => 0,
'sms_service' => 0,

$packet = new Packet([
'price' => $price,
'order_id' => '1234',
'customer_nid' => '1233456789',
'customer_name' => 'test',
'customer_family' => 'test',
'customer_mobile' => '09379373737',
'customer_email' => 'test@test.test',
'customer_postal_code' => '7894561230',
'customer_address' => 'test',
'content' => 'test',

/* @var $postService PostService /
$postService = Yii::$app->PostEcommerce;
Tracking barcode:
use sadi01\postecommerce\components\PostService;
/* @var $postService PostService /
$postService = Yii::$app->PostEcommerce;