[extension] sharkom/yii2-cron

Yii2 Cron job Manager Create Cron jobs from browser, and look that run logs
Forked from vasadibt/yii2-cron with some modifications:

  1. Now it can run every kind of script, not only Yii2 console commands
  2. Added capability to have a log file in addition to DB logs
  3. Removed the runquick capabilities

ChangeLog 27/Feb/2023

  1. Add Manual Run button on cronjob page
  2. Add auto purge logs (use module param purge_log_interval | default 3 months)
  3. Fix some graphics in logs pages

Installation The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist sharkom/yii2-cron "*"

or add
"sharkom/yii2-cron": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.
Migration Run the following command in Terminal for database migration:
yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@sharkom/cron/migrations

Or use the namespaced migration (requires at least Yii 2.0.10):
// Add namespace to console config:
'controllerMap' => [
'migrate' => [
'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController',
'migrationPath' => [

Then run:
yii migrate/up
Web Application Config Turning on the Cron Job Manager Module in the web application:
Simple example:
'modules' => [
'cron' => [
'class' => 'sharkom\cron\Module',

Console Application Config Turning on the Cron Job Manager Module in the console application:
Simple example:
'modules' => [
'cron' => [
'class' => 'sharkom\cron\Module',

Schedule Config Set the server schedule to run the following command
On Linux:
Add to the crontab with the user who you want to run the script (possibly not root) with the crontab -e command or by editing the /etc/crontab file
* * * * * /yii cron/cron/run 2>&1

On Windows:
Open the task scheduler and create a new task