[extension] softark/yii2-cropper-bs5


  1. Features
  2. Difference from bilginnet/yii2-cropper
  3. Installation
  4. Usage

Yii2 Image Cropper Input Widget for bootstrap 5
Features This is a wrapper of fengyuanchen/Cropper.js.
It provides the following feature:

  • Crop
  • Image Rotate
  • Image Flip
  • Image Zoom
  • Coordinates
  • Image Sizes Info
  • Base64 Data
  • Set Image.Url Directly
  • Set Image.Src With Javascript

Difference from bilginnet/yii2-cropper This is a fork of bilginnet/yii2-cropper,
but it has some important difference:

  • Works with bootstrap 5
  • Improved UI design of the modal
  • Supports the latest version of Cropper.js through composer
  • Backward incompatibility
    • Doesn't work with bootstrap 3
    • Some incompatibility in the options

Installation The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist softark/yii2-cropper-bs5 "dev-master"

or add
"softark/yii2-cropper-bs5": "dev-master"

to the require section of your composer.json file.
Usage 1) Add aliases for image directory Add aliases for the directory to store the images in your config file.
$baseUrl = str_replace('/web', '', (new Request)->getBaseUrl());

Yii::setAlias('@imagesUrl', $baseUrl . '/images/');
Yii::setAlias('@imagesPath', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../images/'));
// image file will be stored in //root/images folder

return [

2) Extend model to handle image data from cropper Add a virtual attribute for the image data from the cropper widget in your model.
public $_image

public function rules()
return [
['_image', 'safe'],

And write a function to save the image data from the cropper widget.
public function beforeSave($insert)
if (is_string($this->_image) && strstr($this->_image, 'data:image')) {

// creating image file as png, for example
// cropper sends image data in a base64 encoded string
$data = $this->_image;
$data = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $data));
$fileName = time() . '-' . rand(100000, 999999) . '.png';
file_put_contents(Yii::getAlias('@imagesPath') . '/' . $fileName, $data);

// deleting old image if any
// $this->filename is the real attribute for the filename
// customize your code for your attribute
if (!$this->isNewRecord && !empty($this->filename)) {
@unlink(Yii::getAlias('@imagesPath') . '/' . $this->filename);

// set new filename
$this->filename = $fileName;

return parent::beforeSave($insert);

3) Place cropper in _form file The following is a typical code that appears in _form file:
echo $form->field($model, '_image')->widget(\softark\cropper\Cropper::class, [

// Unique ID of the cropper. Will be set automatically if not set.
'uniqueId' => 'image_cropper',

// The url of the initial image.
// You can set the current image url for update scenario, and
// set null for create scenario.
// Defaults to null.
'imageUrl' => ($model->isNewRecord) ? null : Yii::getAlias('@imagesUrl') . $model->filename,

// Cropper options
'cropperOptions' => [
// The dimensions of the image to be cropped and saved.
// You have to specify both width and height.
'width' => 1200,
'height' => 800,

// Preview window options
'preview' => [
// The dimensions of the preview image must be specified.
'width' => 600, // you can set as string '100%'
'height' => 400, // you can set as string '100px'
// The url of the initial image for the preview.
'url' => (!empty($model->filename)) ? Yii::getAlias('@imagesUrl' . '/' . $model->filename) : null,

// Whether to use FontAwesome icons
'useFontAwesome' => true, // default = false : use Unicode Chars

// Modal options
'modalOptions' => [
// Specify the size of the modal.
// 'modal-md', 'modal-lg', or 'modal-xl'
// Default and recommended value is 'modal-lg'
'modalClass' => 'modal-lg',

While much more options are supported for the widget,
usually you can safely ignore them to accept the default values.
4) Options in detail YET TO BE DONE: