[extension] ssiva/yii2-mpesa-sdk

YII2 MPESA DARAJA SDK This package provides a seamless integration of M-PESA Daraja APIs in Yii2 applications

  • B2C (Business to Customer)
  • C2B (Customer to Business)
  • B2B (Business to Business)
  • Account Balance inquiries
  • Transaction reversals queries
  • Transaction status queries.

Installation The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist ssiva/yii2-mpesa-sdk

composer require --prefer-dist ssiva/yii2-mpesa-sdk

or add
"ssiva/yii2-mpesa-sdk": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.
Configuration Set up the config values as required

  • Copy the file mpesa.php to @app/config/mpesa.php and set you config values.
  • Add the component configuration to config/web.php as below
    • Require the copied config file
      $mpesa = require DIR.'/mmpesa.php';
    • Add the required value to the components array
      'mpesaDaraja' => $mpesa,
      The library is now ready for use.

Usage Examples <?php

class CheckoutController extends Controller {

public function actionCheckout(
$mpesaDaraja = Yii::$app->mpesaDaraja->getDaraja();

// authenticate

// STK Push
$stkParams = [
'Amount' => '2',
'PartyA' => '2547XXXXXXXX',
'PhoneNumber' => '2547XXXXXXXX',
'AccountReference' => '13',
'TransactionDesc' => 'Shopping',

// stk push status query
$stkQueryParams = [
'CheckoutRequestID' => "ws_CO_290320231617432767XXXXXXXX",

// transaction status query
$statusParams = [
'Remarks' => "Status test for RCC3LAPCEL",
"TransactionID" => "RCC3LAPCEL",
"Occasion" => "Optional Value for Occasion"
