Generate Facade Docs Automatically in Your Laravel App

The Laravel framework has a Facade Documentor package that keeps Laravel's Facade docblocks updated, and now developers can have the same experience in their Laravel applications with Autodoc Facades by Steve Bauman:
# Generate docs for all facades found in the `app` folder
php artisan autodoc:facades app

# Or specify a few paths
php artisan autodoc:facades app/Services/Facades app/Api/Facades

# Only a specific facade
php artisan autodoc:facades app --only App\Facades\Service

# Everything in the app folder except one
php artisan autodoc:facades app --except App\Facades\Service

Keeping annotations up to date makes it easier to see at a glance what methods are provided via the Facade's underlying service, and intelligent editors can better auto-complete method names when documented in this way.
To get started with this package, including the source code and installation instructions, check it out on GitHub at stevebauman/autodoc-facades.

The post Generate Facade Docs Automatically in Your Laravel App appeared first on Laravel News.
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