Learn how to manage timezones in your Laravel Apps

In this video, Ben Holmen teaches us how to manage timezones in your Laravel apps. Some of the highlights include:

  • Store all dates and times in UTC
  • Define a default application Timezone
  • Use Carbon macros for conversions
  • Either automatically or manually, allow the user to select their timezone

Here are the code samples used in the video:
In Application Timezone Macro
Carbon::macro('inApplicationTimezone', function() {
return $this->tz(config('app.timezone_display'));

In User Timezone Macro
Carbon::macro('inUserTimezone', function() {
return $this->tz(auth()->user()?->timezone ?? config('app.timezone_display'));

Give it a watch and learn all about Timezones and how to easily manage them!

The post Learn how to manage timezones in your Laravel Apps appeared first on Laravel News.
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