New in Symfony 5.4: Misc. features (part 3)

This is the last blog post of the blog series that shows the
new features of Symfony 5.4 and 6.0. We hope you enjoyed it and now want to
upgrade your Symfony applications to these new versions.

Longer RateLimiter Intervals

Contributed by Alexandre Daubois
in #43060.

The RateLimiter component provides a Token Bucket implementation to rate
limit input and output in your application. It's commonly used in features like
login throttling (e.g. allow up to 5 failed login attempts every hour) and API
constraints (e.g. allow up to 1,000 requests per hour).
However, some applications need longer intervals to only allow a certain number
of evens per month or even per year. That's why in Symfony 5.4 we're adding the
perMonth() and perYear() methods to the RateLimiter component.

Simpler Way of Creating Constraint Errors

Contributed by Grégoire Pineau
in #41154.

When using the Validator component, if some validation fails, you get a
non-empty list of errors in the form of a ConstraintViolationList class.
You need to do the same when creating validation errors yourself. This is
cumbersome when you only have one error:

$violations = new ConstraintViolationList();
$violations->add(new ConstraintViolation('A publish is already running.', '', [], null, '', null));

// e.g. when using ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Validator\Exception\ValidationException
throw new ValidationException($violations);

In Symfony 5.4 we've added a new createSingleConstraint() method so simplify
the creation of single-error validation errors:

$violations = ConstraintViolationList::createSingleConstraint('A publish is already running.');

throw new ValidationException($violations);

Lock Files When Appending To Them

Contributed by fwolfsjaeger
in #43796.

The Filesystem component provides OS-independent features related to the
file system. One of those utilities is the appendToFile() method, which adds
some content at the end of some file.
In Symfony 5.4 we've improved it with a third optional boolean argument. If set
to true, Symfony will acquire an exclusive lock on the file while proceeding
to the writing (it's the same as the \LOCK_EX flag in PHP).

$filesystem->appendToFile('logs.txt', 'Email sent to');

// the third argument tells whether the file should be locked when writing to it
$filesystem->appendToFile('logs.txt', 'Email sent to', true);

PhpStan Extractor for PropertyInfo

Contributed by Baptiste Leduc
in #40457.

The PropertyInfo component extracts information about the properties of PHP
classes using metadata of popular sources (Doctrine, PHP Reflection, PHPdoc, etc.)
In Symfony 5.4 we're adding support to extract information based on the metadata
defined for PHPStan, a popular PHP static analysis tool.
This will allow you to extract information from metadata like the following:

class SomeClass
/** @var string|int */
public $property1;

/** @var (string|int)[] */
public $property2;

/** @var array */
public $property3;

/** @var array> */
public $property4;

/** @var (Dummy, (int | (string)[])> | ParentDummy | null) */
public $property5;

Did you know? Your company can sponsor the Filesystem, RateLimiter, PropertyInfo
or any of the other Symfony components. Show your logo, link and description
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