In Symfony 5.4 we introduced console autocompletion for the argument names,
option names and option values of any command created with the Symfony Console
component. In Symfony 6.1 we're improving it with new features.
Contributed by Guillaume Aveline
in #43641.
Autocompletion works differently depending on your shell. Previously we only
supported autocompletion in Bash shell. Starting from Symfony 6.1 we also support
Fish shell, which is popular among many developers.
To enable autocompletion in your Fish shell, you only need to run the following
command once and then source the file:
$ php bin/console completion fish >> ~/.config/fish/completions/
Completion Values in Input Definitions
Contributed by Jérôme Tamarelle
in #44948.
Autocompletion is currently based on defining a method called complete()
your command. There you can provide the possible values of any of the command
arguments and options. In Symfony 6.1 you can also define autocompletion values
directly in the command input definition:
new InputArgument('command_name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The command name', 'help', function () {
// here we return the name of all application commands
return array_keys((new ApplicationDescription($this->getApplication()))->getCommands());
new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt', function () {
// here we return an array of possible values defined somewhere
return (new DescriptorHelper())->getFormats();
// when using addOption() and addArgument() you can also provide autocompletion
->addArgument('shell', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, '...', null, fn () => $this->getSupportedShells())
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