New in Symfony 6.1: Service Autowiring Attributes

Contributed by Kevin Bond
in #45657
and #45783.

Attributes are probably one of the new features in PHP that have the most
positive impact on the way we develop applications. They add structured, machine-readable
metadata information in code. In Symfony we added support for them in:

In Symfony 6.1 we're introducing another feature related to attributes so you
can instruct the autowiring logic with PHP attributes.
By default, the autowiring logic reads the type-hints on your constructor (/setters)
and that's enough to automate the resolution of most dependencies.
However, sometimes you may need another service than the default one, or you may
need a scalar value, etc. In similar situations, you had to use explicit
configuration in your config/services.yaml file.
Thanks to the new #[Autowire] attribute, you can now instruct the autowiring
logic to replace the default rule by a more specific one in case you need so:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autowire;

class MyService
public function __construct(
#[Autowire(service: 'some_service')]
private $service1,

#[Autowire(expression: 'service("App\\Mail\\MailerConfiguration").getMailerMethod()')]
private $service2,

private $parameter1,

private $parameter2,
) {}

// ...

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