New in Symfony 7.1: Misc Improvements (part 2)

Getting the Custom Path of the .env File

Contributed by Jérôme Tamarelle
in #52638.

The .env file used to configure environment variables is stored by default
at the root of the project (as they are all the related files: .env.local,
.env., .env..local, etc.)
You can change the location of this file in several ways. For example, when using
the Runtime component, you can configure the new location in the composer.json

// ...
"extra": {
// ...
"runtime": {
"dotenv_path": "my/custom/path/to/.env"

In Symfony 7.1, we're adding a SYMFONY_DOTENV_PATH env var that stores the
location of the .env file. Applications can use that env var to get the
right .env file location instead of wrongly assuming that it's always stored
in the project root.

Getting all Enum Cases in YAML Config

Contributed by Javier Spagnoletti
in #52230.

If you use YAML to configure your Symfony applications (this is optional, and you
can also use XML or PHP if you prefer those), referring to all the cases of a
PHP enum is too verbose:

- Choice:
- !php/enum 'App\Entity\Enum\UserStatus::Enabled'
- !php/enum 'App\Entity\Enum\UserStatus::Disabled'
- !php/enum 'App\Entity\Enum\UserStatus::Blocked'

In Symfony 7.1, we've improved this so you can get all cases at once. To do so,
add the FQCN of the enum, instead of listing each case:

- Choice:
choices: !php/enum 'App\Entity\Enum\UserStatus'

Add Microseconds Getter/Setter in Clock

Contributed by Nicolas Grekas
in #53942.

PHP 8.4, to be released on November 21, 2024, will add the getMicroseconds()
and setMicroseconds() methods to the DateTime and DateTimeImmutable
classes. In Symfony 7.1, we've added those methods as a polyfill in the Clock component
so you can start using them today while keeping your apps future-proof.

min() and max() Functions in Expressions

Contributed by Maximilian Beckers
in #53728.

The ExpressionLanguage component provides a rich syntax to define expressions.
In Symfony 7.1, we're improving it by adding support for the min() and max()
functions of PHP.

Support for :is() and :where() Pseudo-Classes

Contributed by Hubert Lenoir
in #48803.

The CssSelector component is mostly used in functional tests as an easier
alternative to defining XPath expressions. We keep adding support for the selectors
defined in the CSS spec and that's why in Symfony 7.1, we've introduced support for
the :is() pseudo-class and the :where() pseudo-class:

$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/some/url/path');
$items = $crawler->filter(':is(ol, ul) :is(ol, ul) ol');
$items = $crawler->filter(':where(ol, ul, menu:unsupported) :where(ol, ul)');

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