[news] Yii Assets 2.1.0


  1. Installation
  2. Usage

Formatter and validator form phone numbers
Этот файл доступен на русском языке.

Installation To use this extension run this command:
$ composer require floor12/yii2-phone
or add this to the `require` section of your composer.json.
"floor12/yii2-phone": "dev-master"
Usage This extension allows to validate phone numbers and save only numbers in db without any formatting.
It also include simple formatter to render formatted phone numbers as string or html tag.
Phone validation To store phone number in database, ActiveRecord model database field should be VARCHAR(15).
The validator has backend and frontend (js) validation.
To validate your field, add floor12\phone\PhoneValidator to ActiveRecord::rules() action like this:
use floor12\phone\PhoneValidator;
use yii\base\Model;

class User extends Model

public $phone;

public function rules()
return [
['phone', PhoneValidator::class]

Phone formatting Class floor12\phone\PhoneFormatter allows to render phone number as formatted string or as html , and has two static

  • PhoneFormatter::format($phone)
  • PhoneFormatter::a($phone,array $options= [])

Formatting examples
echo PhoneFormatter::format(79461234565); # +7 (946) 123-45-65
echo PhoneFormatter::a(79461234565); # +7 (946) 123-45-65
echo PhoneFormatter::a(79461234565,['class'=>'phone-link']); # +7 (946) 123-45-65