[news] Yii DB and drivers minor releases

Yii Database package was tagged along with its drivers.
Yii Database 1.3

  • Deprecate unnecessary argument $rawSql of AbstractCommand::internalExecute()
  • Specify result type of QueryInterface::all(), CommandInterface::queryAll() and DbArrayHelper::populate() methods to array[]
  • Specify populate closure type in BatchQueryResultInterface
  • Skip calling CommandInterface::getRawSql() if no logger or profiler is set
  • Specify result type of ConstraintSchemaInterface::getTableIndexes() method to IndexConstraint[]
  • Remove unused code in AbstractSchema::getTableIndexes()
  • Refactor AbstractCommand::getRawSql()
  • Refactor AbstractSchema::getDataType()
  • Remove unnecessary type casting to array in AbstractDMLQueryBuilder::getTableUniqueColumnNames()
  • Add message type to log context
  • Allow to use DMLQueryBuilderInterface::batchInsert() method with empty columns
  • Deprecate AbstractSchema::normalizeRowKeyCase() method
  • Deprecate SchemaInterface::getRawTableName() and add Quoter::getRawTableName() method
  • Deprecate SchemaInterface::isReadQuery() and add DbStringHelper::isReadQuery() method
  • Remove unnecessary symbol \\ from rtrim() function inside DbStringHelper::baseName() method
  • Minor refactoring of SchemaCache, AbstractPdoCommand and AbstractDDLQueryBuilder
  • Add psalm type for parameters to bind to the SQL statement
  • Add more specific psalm type for QueryFunctionsInterface::count() result
  • Fix Query::count() when it returns an incorrect value if the result is greater than PHP_INT_MAX
  • Fix bug of AbstractCommand::getRawSql() when a param value is Stringable object
  • Fix casting integer to string in AbstractCommand::getRawSql()
  • Fix bug with Quoter::$tablePrefix when change AbstractConnection::$tablePrefix property

Yii DB PostgreSQL Driver 1.3

  • Support structured type
  • Change property Schema::$typeMap to constant Schema::TYPE_MAP
  • Create instance of ArrayParser directly
  • Resolve deprecated methods
  • Minor DDLQueryBuilder refactoring
  • Support table view constraints
  • Exclude from index column names fields specified in INCLUDE clause

Yii DB MySQL Driver 1.2

  • Change property Schema::$typeMap to constant Schema::TYPE_MAP
  • Resolve deprecated methods
  • Minor refactoring of DDLQueryBuilder and Schema
  • Fix Command::insertWithReturningPks() method for empty values

Yii DB SQLite Driver 1.2

  • Remove unused code in Command class
  • Change property Schema::$typeMap to constant Schema::TYPE_MAP
  • Remove unnecessary check for array type in Schema::loadTableIndexes()
  • Resolve deprecated methods
  • Minor refactoring of DDLQueryBuilder and Schema

Yii DB MSSQL Server Driver 1.2

  • Change property Schema::$typeMap to constant Schema::TYPE_MAP
  • Resolve deprecated methods
  • Minor refactoring of Command and Quoter
  • Fix DMLQueryBuilder::insertWithReturningPks() and Command::insertWithReturningPks() methods

Yii DB Oracle Driver 1.3

  • Change property Schema::$typeMap to constant Schema::TYPE_MAP
  • Allow to use DMLQueryBuilderInterface::batchInsert() method with empty columns
  • Resolve deprecated methods
  • Fix execution Query without table(s) to select from
  • Fix Command::insertWithReturningPks() method for table without primary keys
  • Fix, table sequence name should be null if sequence name not found