[news] Yii HTML 2.4.0

Yii HTML package version 2.4.0 was released.
In this release:

  • Added classes for tags Body, Article, Section, Nav, Aside, Hgroup, Header, Footer, Address, Form, Datalist, Legend and Fieldset.
  • Added specialized classes File and Range for an input tag with corresponding types.
  • Added widget ButtonGroup.
  • Added method Tag::unionAttributes() that available for all tags.
  • To method Select::optionsData() added support of option groups and individual attributes of options and option groups.
  • Added parameter $attributes to methods Html::input(), Html::buttonInput(), Html::submitInput() and Html::resetInput().
  • Added methods CheckboxList::name() and RadioList::name().
  • Removed psalm type HtmlAttributes, too obsessive for package users.