[news] Yii View 10.0

Version 10.0 of Yii View package was released.
Changed logic of template file searching in ViewInterface::render():

  • the absolute path to the view file, e.g. "/path/to/view.php";
  • the name of the view starting with // to join the base path, e.g. "//site/index";
  • the name of the view starting with ./ to join the directory containing the view currently being rendered
    (i.e., this happens when rendering a view within another view), e.g. "./widget";
  • the name of the view without the starting // or ./ (e.g. "site/index"), so view file will be
    looked for under the view path of the context set via withContext() (if the context instance was not set
    withContext(), it will be looked for under the base path).

Removed ViewInterface::renderFile().
Changed exception from RuntimeException to LogicException when the view cannot be resolved in ViewInterface::render().