PHPKonf Istanbul PHP Conference 2018 - Call for Papers

PHPKonf 2018 is an annual PHP oriented conference in Istanbul, Turkey and will take place on Sunday, 20th of May, 2018.

The call for papers for the PHPKonf 2018 Istanbul PHP conference is open! If you have a burning desire to hold forth about PHP, DevOps, databases, JavaScript, or any other web development topics, we want to see your proposals. Call for Papers is open only from November 20, 2017 to January 31, 2018, so hurry. An added benefit: we will cover your travel and hotel.

You’ll have 45 minutes for the talk, with 35 minutes for your topic and 10 minutes for Q&A. We can’t wait to see your proposals! Check out the last conference to get an idea of what to expect.

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