PHPTour 2016

After Nantes, Lille, Lyon,and Luxembourg-City, this year the PHP Tour, the itinerant conference organized by the French PHP users group, goes to Clermont-Ferrand, a lovely city surrounded by volcanoes. Helped by Clermont'ech, a local developers organization, AFUP is happy to welcome you on May 23rd and 24th at the Polydome convention centre.

This year, part of the program will focus on performance.
"The big don't eat the little, the fast eat the slow" (Eberhard von Kuenheim, BMW)

With more and more business-critical applications, performance becomes decisive. HHVM and PHP 7 make PHP better than ever. The engine put aside, there are many different ways to improve the overall performances of PHP applications: database access, hardware infrastructure, software architecture, caching, and so on...

2 days of talks and workshops for PHP lovers community !