Symfony 4.4.30 released

Symfony 4.4.30 has just been released. Here is a list of the most
important changes:

  • bug #42753 Cast ini_get to an integer to match expected type (@natewiebe13)
  • bug #42345 [Messenger] Remove indices in messenger table on MySQL to prevent deadlocks while removing messages when running multiple consumers (@jeroennoten)
  • bug #40744 allow null for framework.translator.default_path (@SimonHeimberg)
  • bug #39856 [DomCrawler] improve failure messages of the CrawlerSelectorTextContains constraint (@xabbuh)
  • bug #40545 [HttpFoundation] Fix isNotModified determination logic (@ol0lll)
  • bug #42368 [FrameworkBundle] Fall back to default configuration in debug:config and consistently resolve parameter values (@herndlm)
  • bug #41684 Fix Url Validator false positives (@sidz)
  • bug #42576 [Translation] Reverse fallback locales (@ro0NL)
  • bug #42628 [PropertyInfo] Support for the never return type (@derrabus)
  • bug #42585 [ExpressionLanguage] [Lexer] Remove PHP 8.0 polyfill (@nigelmann)
  • bug #42621 [Security] Don’t produce TypeErrors for non-string CSRF tokens (@derrabus)
  • bug #42365 [Cache] Do not add namespace argument to NullAdapter in CachePoolPass (@olsavmic)
  • bug #42331 [HttpKernel] always close open stopwatch section after handling kernel.request events (@xabbuh)
  • bug #42260 Fix return types for PHP 8.1 (@derrabus)
  • bug #42341 [Validator] Update MIR card scheme (@ossinkine)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.
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