Symfony 6.2.0-BETA3 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.2.0-BETA2:
- bug #48217 [Console] Improve error message when shell is not detected in completion command (@GromNaN)
- bug #48222 [Translation] [Lokalize] Configure replace_breaks to prevent issues with multilines translations (@Kocal)
- bug #48210 [Console] Fix signal handlers called after event listeners and skip exit (@GromNaN)
- bug #48198 [Messenger] Fix time-limit check exception (@alamirault)
- feature #48189 [Clock] Provide modify() in MockClock (@dbrumann)
- bug #48207 [Yaml] Restore deprecated php/const: syntax in YAML key (@GromNaN)
- bug #48209 [VarExporter] Use array for partial initialization of lazy ghost objects (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #48186 [WebProfilerBundle] Minor tweaks in profiler redesign (@javiereguiluz)
- bug #48122 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix language deprecations incorrectly marked as direct (@wouterj)
- bug #47998 [Console] Fix console ProgressBar::override() after manual ProgressBar::cleanup() (@maxbeckers)
- bug #48041 [FrameworkBundle] Split loggers debug compiler pass (@MatTheCat)
- bug #48032 [SecurityBundle] Set UserValueResolver's priority higher than EntityValueResolver (@kbond)
- bug #48156 [Mime] When serializing File parts convert to string to allow proper unserialization (@ovrflo)
- bug #48170 [Routing] Fix PSR-4 directory loader for abstract classes (@derrabus)
- bug #48173 [HttpClient] Handle Amp HTTP client v5 incompatibility gracefully (@fancyweb)
- bug #48172 [HttpKernel] Don’t try to wire Response argument with controller.service_arguments (@MatTheCat)
- bug #48160 Adding missing argument to sprintf (@weaverryan)
- bug #48085 [Messenger] Tell about messenger:consume invalid limit options (@MatTheCat)
- bug #48120 [Messenger] Do not throw 'no handlers' exception when skipping handlers due to duplicate handling (@wouterj)
- bug #48112 [HttpFoundation] Compare cookie with null value as empty string in ResponseCookieValueSame (@fancyweb)
- bug #48119 [FrameworkBundle][Lock] Allow to disable lock without defining a resource (@MatTheCat)
- bug #48110 [HttpKernel] Fix deprecation for DateTimeValueResolver with null on non-nullable argument (@GromNaN)
- bug #48093 [DependencyInjection] don't move locator tag for service subscriber (@RobertMe)
- bug #48075 [Mailer] Stream timeout not detected fgets returns false (@Sezil)
- bug #48092 Fix the notification email theme for asynchronously dispatched emails (@krisbuist)
- bug #48097 Fix search scope when performing fallback mapping driver detection (@spideyfusion)
- bug #48103 [HttpClient] Do not set http_version instead of setting it to null (@Tetragramat)
- bug #48077 [FrameworkBundle] Allow UUID v7 in uid configuration (@achterin)
- bug #48027 [DependencyInjection] Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes (@nicolas-grekas)
- feature #48045 [DependencyInjection] Allow enum as service parameter in php config files (@alexndlm)
- bug #48062 [Notifier] Mark tokens with #[SensitiveParameter] (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #48050 [HttpFoundation] Check IPv6 is valid before comparing it (@PhilETaylor)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.
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