Symfony 7.1.5 released

Symfony 7.1.5 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.1.4:

  • bug #58327 [FrameworkBundle] Do not access the container when the kernel is shut down (@jderusse)
  • bug #58316 [Form] Don't call the constructor of LogicalOr (@derrabus)
  • bug #58259 [TypeInfo] Return bound type as base type in TemplateType (@valtzu)
  • bug #58290 [FrameworkBundle] fix XSD to allow to configure locks without resources (@xabbuh)
  • bug #58291 [Process] Fix finding executables independently of open_basedir (@BlackbitDevs)
  • bug #58279 [Yaml] parse empty sequence elements as null (@xabbuh)
  • bug #58289 [HttpKernel] Skip logging uncaught exceptions in ErrorHandler, assume $kernel->terminateWithException() will do it (@nicolas-grekas)
  • bug #58185 [Filesystem] make sure temp files can be cleaned up on Windows (@xabbuh)
  • bug #58226 [Serializer] Fix for method named get() (@mihai-stancu)
  • bug #58242 [Notifier][TurboSMS] Process partial accepted response from transport (@ZhukV)
  • bug #58260 [Cache] Fix RedisSentinel param types (PaweÅ‚ Stasicki)
  • bug #58278 [HttpClient] Fix setting CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS (@HypeMC)
  • bug #58274 [Dotenv] throw a meaningful exception when parsing dotenv files with BOM (@xabbuh)
  • bug #58240 [FrameworkBundle] Fix service reset between tests (@HypeMC)
  • bug #58266 [HttpKernel] pass CSV escape characters explicitly (@xabbuh)
  • bug #58181 [HttpFoundation] Update links for X-Accel-Redirect and fail properly when X-Accel-Mapping is missing (@nicolas-grekas)
  • bug #58195 [Process] Fix the removal of host-specific configuration when managing the ini settings in PhpSubprocess (@M-arcus)
  • bug #58218 Work around parse_url() bug (@nicolas-grekas)
  • bug #58207 [TwigBridge] Avoid calling deprecated mergeGlobals() (@derrabus)
  • bug #58198 [TwigBundle] Add support for resetting globals between HTTP requests (@fabpot)
  • bug #58189 [Process] Fix backwards compatibility for invalid commands (@ausi)
  • bug #58169 [Cache] Fix compatibility with Redis 6.1.0 pre-releases (@cedric-anne)
  • bug #58143 [Ldap] Fix extension deprecation (@alexandre-daubois)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.
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