Symfony Newsletter - June 2023 Edition

SymfonyOnline June 2023, our thrilling virtual conference was a blast!

2 weeks ago, SymfonyOnline June 2023 featured 16 captivating talks by outstanding speakers, attracting 600+ attendees from 49 countries. Prior the conference, 6 workshops were taking place by incredible trainers, with over 90 attendees sharing knowledge and energy.
We thank everyone (participants, speakers, and sponsors...) involved for making it a huge success and for the first time on our own application!

Great news! The replay of the Keynote session on the Scheduler Component by Fabien Potencier is now available for everyone!
Click here to view it!

All talk replays are also accessible for those who missed the live sessions! It is still possible to buy a replay ticket and enjoy the conference at your convenience!

Grab your replay ticket now!

Want to showcase your skills and gain recognition?

Symfony offers certifications to highlight your expertise:

  • Sylius: Validate your Sylius proficiency. For developers working on the Symfony-based e-commerce platform.
  • Twig: Gain recognition as a skilled web designer, ideal for designers and developers utilizing Twig.
  • Symfony: Highlighting your proficiency in the Symfony framework and its components.

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Next Symfony conferences

New tip in Symfony

Symfony 6.3 includes a new Scheduler component that integrates with the Messenger component so you can send messages on a predefined schedule.

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Meet the Core team: Alexander M. Turek

  • "Developer. Consultant. Freelancer. Code Modernizer. Likes working with code that has the age of a good whisky."
  • From Düsseldorf, Germany. Speaks German & English
  • Member of the SF community since 2013
  • 2k commits and 117k changes as code contributors
  • Favorite Symfony components: DependencyInjection, HttpKernel, Serializer

Follow Alexander

Learn more about: AssetMapper

Immerse yourself in the captivating talk by Ryan Weaver on "Modern UIs with UX, a little JS & Zero Node," presented during SymfonyOnline June 2023. Grab your replay ticket today to relive the enlightening talk at your own pace with the replay, now available in English with English subtitles.

Watch the replay

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