SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Decouple Your Apps with Symfony Messenger

SymfonyOnline June 2023 is just around the corner, scheduled for June 15-16. Several speakers and topics have been revealed. To learn more, simply click here.

It is our great pleasure to announce that our next speaker to join the team is:

Alexander M. Turek (@derrabus), Freelance Software Developer and Symfony Core Team, will present "Decouple Your Apps with Symfony Messenger":

"Learn how to unlock the power of asynchronous communication in your Symfony applications with Symfony Messenger. In this talk, we will cover the basic concepts of message queues and asynchronous processing, and demonstrate how to integrate Messenger into your Symfony project. We will also discover how Messenger can be used with different queue implementations, making it a portable and flexible solution. By the end of the talk, you'll have the tools to write more scalable, portable, and resilient Symfony applications."

Do you know that registering and joining SymfonyOnline June 2023 is as simple as a few clicks?

1) Read the detailed talks and workshops:

Allison Guilhem, Łukasz Chruściel, Fabien Potencier, Maximilian Beckers, Carlos Granados and, Alexandre Salomé, Malte Wunsch, Kevin Bond and, Nicolas Grekas are part of our incredible team of speakers. Further announcements will be made shortly, stay tuned!

The detailed program is available here!

Discover also the exciting workshops that await you:

2) Register by clicking on Buy ticket and benefit from the regular rate until May 24th (included).

3) Choose the ticket of your choice:

  • June 13-14: Workshop only. It is possible to attend a two-day training or two one-day trainings. Topics will be available shortly!
  • June 15-16: Conference only with 2 tracks in English. Each talk replay from the conference will be available as soon as each talk ends!
  • June 13-16: Combo ticket "Conference + Workshops" to live a Symfony week experience!

4) Follow the "conferences" blog posts to not miss anything!

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Join us for this exciting event, be part of the @symfony community!

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