TopStyle it is a powerful HTML editor contains many tools for building standards-compliant web sites.
# Preview CSS while you make it.
# Fast and easily create beautyful color schemes for your site.
# Style Checker validates your CSS syntax for multiple browsers.
# Style Upgrade quickly replaces all outdated HTML code with equivalent CSS styling.
# Live FTP working. FTP Explorer Panel allows you to edit online documents using FTP. When you save your document, it is automatically uploaded to your FTP site.
# HTML toolbar. TopStyle comes with a new, user-configurable HTML toolbar that is displayed above the editor. Simply drag-n-drop any snippet from this HTML toolbar into your document.
# New CSS definitions. TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for IE8 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8), FF3 (Mozilla FireFox 3), SF3 (Apple Safari 3), and SF4 (Apple Safari 4).
# Script Insight. TopStyle includes Script Insight for ASP (both JavaScript and VBScript), PHP, and ColdFusion.
# Bookmarks. TopStyle contains new powerful commands for navigating your documents, including 10 bookmarked locations for each document.
# iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. TopStyle includes iWebKit, a simple and smart development framework for iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. In addition to iWebKit, TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for iPhone OS 1.1 and iPhone OS 2.0. Last but not least, TopStyle includes a new *internal* preview for Apple Safari.
# Improved inline style. Inline style attributes (eg. style="|") support CSS color-coding and CSS Insight (Ctrl+Space).
# HTML 5. TopStyle includes a new HTML definition for HTML 5 and a new HTML 5 template. TopStyle supports the new !DOCTYPE for HTML 5.
# IE8 document compatibility. TopStyle allows you to switch IE8 document compatibility mode easily, and compare different IE8 document compatibility modes in it's side-by-side preview.
# Improved CSS Insight. CSS shorthand (sub)property values are grouped. Insight includes recently used colors (CSS color properties only).
# Compatible with Windows 7.
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