Use this Filament starter template on your next TALL project

The Log1x/filament-starter starter template is a beautiful starting point to quickly bootstrap your next TALL stack application with Filament for the admin panel:

With just a few commands, you have a very functional starter application with tools available like the Laravel Debugger, exception viewer, jobs monitor, and more:
composer create-project log1x/filament-starter:dev-main example-app
cd example-app
git init
git add .
git commit -m"First Commit"
mysql -u root -e"create database filament_starter;"
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

According to the project readme, here are the main features you get out of the box:

  • Quick, clean starting point with an example Post model and resource.
  • Fully pre-configured and customized Filament panel with best practices in place.
  • Clean, minimally styled frontend powered by Livewire.
  • TailwindCSS and Vite ready for immediate use.
  • Pre-bundled Livewire and Alpine for easy extendability.
  • SPA-ready in both Filament and the frontend.
  • GitHub Actions workflows for Pint with pre-configured Dependabot for dependencies.
  • Easy programmatic SEO using the romanzipp/laravel-seo package

This starter package could be used for your next application idea, or a fast way to learn more about the TALL stack!
You can learn more about this starter template by checking out the source code on GitHub.

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