WEB-ED Webpage and Scripting Editor

WEB-ED Webpage and Scripting Editor it's a unique editor with specialized functions and support for HTML, VBScript, DHTML, ASP, CSS, Javascript, PHP.

 Color syntax highlighting for VBS, HTML, javascript, CSS, PHP and ASP. WEB-ED is  the only editor with script variable color-coding, making it easy to avoid mis-typed variables and to track the actions of your code visually. (Variable colorcoding works in VBScript, javascript and PHP. Property and value colorcoding in CSS.)  

Syntax Debugging
• VBS/VBS-in-HTML: Syntax debugging by line and by file. Checks spacing, parentheses, quotes, etc. Catches most common typos before the script is run.

• HTML editor: Whole file check for missing end tags or problems within tags.

• MS Script Debugger can be run from WEB-ED.


Multi-file functionality.
  #  Multi-undo.
  #  Find and Replace. Multi-file Find and Replace.
  #  Numerous script-specialized text functions.
  #  Extra clipboards.
  #  Toggling browser window to view webpages in progress.
  #  Detailed info. about specific HTML elements on mouse hover in browser window.
  #  Color picker.
  #  Image color sampler.
  #   Format debugging.

Link to the official website: http://www.jsware.net/jsware/webed.php5

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