This week, Symfony 5.4.19, 6.0.19, 6.1.11 and 6.2.5 maintenance versions were released. The 6.0 and 6.1 branches will no longer receive any updates, so consider updating your projects to Symfony 6.2. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version marked DSNs as sensitive parameters and removed them from exception messages, added support for Redis Relay in cache and updated the VarDumper component to display all invisible characters.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 51 pull requests were merged (26 in code and 25 in docs) and 23 issues were closed (19 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 25 authors made 12,818 additions and 10,475 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 01344e3: [DependencyInjection] fix named arguments when using ContainerBuilder before compilation
- 1eebf31: [Security/Http] check tokens before loading users from providers
- 96cdc5c: [Security/Http] fix compat of persistent remember-me with legacy tokens
- ef26e93: [HttpClient] fix collecting data non-late for the profiler
- 387a6b0: [DependencyInjection] fix order of arguments when mixing positional and named ones
- 09c517a: mark DSNs as #[SensitiveParameter]
- 395eb9a: fix Psalm errors
- 290d5e5: remove full DSNs from exception messages
- 28cce83: [ExpressionLanguage] deprecate loose comparisons when using the "in" operator
- b5a10ce: [WebProfilerBundle] move panel specific styles to each panel
- 2ee39b3: [FrameworkBundle, Workflow] register alias for argument for workflow services with workflow name only
- d576797: [Security] introduce template for Voter phpdoc
- 8278947: [DependencyInjection] add missing template notation on ServiceLocator
- 9572cae: [HttpFoundation] improve return type of Header::all
- c223437: [Cache] add Redis Relay support
- 42c1e90: [SecurityBundle] make firewalls event dispatcher traceable on debug mode
- 7f37a0f: [DependencyInjection] allow attribute autoconfiguration on static methods
- 90d7761: [Cache] compatible with aliyun redis instance
- e7e59fb: [VarDumper] display invisible characters
- 9574953: Add as backer of version 6.3
Newest issues and pull requests
- [PHPUnit bridge] Support for PHPUnit 10.x
- [Messenger] Sanitize message when the receiver is another app
- [Mailer] Force disable STARTTLS
- [Translation] Phrase translation provider
SymfonyCasts Updates
SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.
These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:
- (Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 3: Swagger UI: Interactive Docs
- (Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 4: The Powerful OpenAPI Spec
- (Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 5: JSON-LD: Giving Meaning to your Data
- (Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 6: Hydra: Describing API Classes, Operations & More
They talked about us
- Symfony Station Communiqué - 27 January 2023
- API Platform 3.1 is out!
- Sponsoring Symfony 6.2 development
- [Symfony 4] How to override cache redis adapter for hide warning message
- 10 Commands to Add a Database to Symfony
- Symfony and Laravel with Vite
- Sortie d’API Platform 3.1
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