A Week of Symfony #915 (8-14 July 2024)

This week, Symfony continued tweaking and polishing the new features of the upcoming Symfony 7.2 version, such as the new WordCount constraint. In addition, we announced the date and the first details of the SymfonyLive Berlin 2025 conference.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 33 pull requests were merged (20 in code and 13 in docs) and 18 issues were closed (13 in code and 5 in docs). Excluding merges, 24 authors made additions and deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

  • b83bacb: support for PHP-CS-Fixer's parallel runne
  • c2b0d72: use more entropy with uniqid()
  • 1577be3: [Cache] improve dbindex DSN parameter parsing

6.4 changelog:

  • 2faff1c: [AssetMapper] split test dirs in tests
  • 9a60db0: [WebProfilerBundle] change incorrect check for the stateless request attribute

7.0 changelog:

  • 9f5ce66: [Validator] add setGroupProvider to AttributeLoader

7.1 changelog:

  • 89bd1b4: [PropertyInfo] add tests for TypeInfo types

7.2 changelog:

  • 74df71a: [Messenger] let WrappedExceptionsInterface extend the native Throwable interface
  • 32f601a: [FrameworkBundle] add exit option to secrets:decrypt-to-local command
  • 2611029: [ExpressionLanguage] allow passing any iterable as $providers list
  • 4fd26a7: [WebProfilerBundle] format workflow calls duration
  • d313221: [Security] cleanup useless mocks in UserValueResolverTest
  • 2da6a13: [SecurityBundle] link to the profile the token was (de)authenticated
  • 09f9eb7: [SecurityBundle] update web-token/jwt-library version and adjust checker parameters
  • 1a16ebc: [Messenger] allow to pass sslmode as an option in SQS

Newest issues and pull requests

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