Feed items

  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_argument::init(&$view, &$options) should be compatible with views_handler::init(&$view, $options) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_argument.inc on line 48.
  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::value_validate(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_handler_filter::value_validate($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_filter_boolean_operator.inc on line 111.
  • warning: Declaration of views_plugin_row_node_view::options_form(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_plugin_row::options_form($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/modules/node/views_plugin_row_node_view.inc on line 35.

Ember.js 2.8 and 2.9 Beta Released

Today, the Ember core team is happy to announce two new Ember.js releases –
Ember.js 2.8 and Ember.js 2.9 beta.
Ember.js 2.8
Ember.js 2.8 is a minor release with only backwards compatible changes.

Ember Node.js LTS Support

Ember is committed to being a good steward of our collective codebases as part of the Node.js ecosystem. In that spirit we will be following the Node.js Long Term Support Schedule to provide clear guarantees of which versions of Node.js we support and how long we will support them.

Ember.js 2.7 and 2.8 Beta Released

Ember.js 2.7, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatible
changes, is released today.
Ember.js 2.8 beta is also being released today. This branch will be released as
stable in roughly six weeks and will then go on to be the next LTS release
roughly six weeks after that.
Changes in Ember.js 2.7
Ember 2.7 introduces one new backward compatible API:

Ember Data 2.7 and 2.8 Beta Released

Ember Data 2.7, a minor version release of Ember Data, is
released. This release represents the work of over 27 direct
contributors, and over 103 commits.
Ember Data 2.8 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be released
as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released.

Ember Data 2.6 and 2.7 Beta Released

Ember Data 2.6, a minor version release of Ember Data, is
released. This release represents the work of over 22 direct
contributors, and over 85 commits.
Ember Data 2.7 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be released
as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released.

Ember.js 2.6 and 2.7 Beta Released

Ember.js 2.6, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatible
changes, is released today.
Ember.js 2.7 beta, the branch of Ember that will be released as stable in
roughly six weeks, is also being released today.
Changes in Ember.js 2.6
No new features are added in Ember core in 2.6. In general the core team and
community have remained active around other highly visible parts of the Ember
stack (Ember Data, FastBoot, Glimmer, etc).

Introducing Subteams

I'm very happy to share with you our plan to scale Ember's day-to-day
decision-making and coordination—something we're calling Subteams. We mentioned
some of this in this year's EmberConf keynote, and wanted to expand on the
specific details.
Ember.js was once only a view layer for rendering templates in the
browser, but has grown to become a complete SDK for the web. With one
npm install, you get everything you need to create a modern web

Ember Data 2.5 and 2.6 Beta Released

Ember Data 2.5, a minor version release of Ember Data, is released. This release represents the work of over 31 direct contributors, and over 137 commits.
Ember Data 2.6 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be released as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released.

Upcoming deprecation of baseURL in Ember CLI 2.7

The baseURL configuration option and the accompanying tag in Ember CLI applications are often and tragically misunderstood. There have been at least 67 issues opened for Ember CLI referencing baseURL, making it one of the most common points of discussion.

Ember.js 2.4-LTS, 2.5, and 2.6 Beta Released

Ember 2.4-LTS, the first Ember Long-Term Support release, lands today as Ember
2.4.5. Future versions of 2.4 will be considered part of the LTS channel.
The LTS channel comes with a commitment
that low-risk critical bugfixes and security patches will be backported to
these versions. Additionally, any change to commonly used private APIs must be deprecated
in at least one LTS release before removal, making LTS releases a slower
moving target for addons to support.