Learn about the strict lazy loading setting that allows you to disable it entirely for non-production environments.
The post Find N+1 problems instantly by disabling lazy loading appeared first on Laravel News.
The first stable release of Sublime Text 4 is here with new features like Tab Multi-Select, Context-Aware Auto Complete, and more.
The post Sublime Text 4 appeared first on Laravel News.
Sidecar for Laravel packages, deploys, and executes AWS Lambda functions from your Laravel application.
The post Sidecar packages, deploys, and executes AWS Lambda functions from your Laravel application. appeared first on Laravel News.
The Password Validation Rule Object now supports the ability to define default password rules you can use across your application.
The post Defining Default Password Validation Rules in Laravel appeared first on Laravel News.
The one-of-many relationship creates a one-to-one association from a one-to-many relationship.
The post "One of Many" Eloquent Relationship Added to Laravel appeared first on Laravel News.
Laravel Nova Inline Select allows you to change the status of the resource easily without having to edit. It can be used directly from both the index and detail views, saving a lot of time.
The post Laravel Nova Inline Select appeared first on Laravel News.
Meet Harpoon, the next-generation time-tracking and billing software that not only records your financial past but also helps you plan and predict a profitable future.
The post Harpoon: Next generation time tracking and billing appeared first on Laravel News.
Arcanist is a package by that takes the pain out of building multi-step form wizards in Laravel.
The post Multi-step Forms for Laravel appeared first on Laravel News.
The Laravel team released 8.41 with highly performant cursor pagination, an eloquent method to update models quietly, and the latest changes in the 8.x branch.
The post Highly Performant Cursor Pagination in Laravel 8.41 appeared first on Laravel News.