Symfony 4.4.49 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 4.4.48:
Symfony 4.4.49 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 4.4.48:
This week, the first release candidate of Symfony 6.2 was published in preparation for the final version release in a few days. Meanwhile, Symfony announced its Black Friday 2022 discounts and the program for the upcoming SymfonyWorld Online 2022 conference.
You weren't there at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022? Don't worry, The SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Winter Edition conference is coming soon!
Let's have a look on the final schedule:
Symfony 6.2.0-RC1 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.2.0-BETA3:
The Console component is the most downloaded non-polyfill component (+530 million
downloads as of November 2022) and the component with most dependents overall
(nearly 10,000 public projects depend on it). In Symfony 6.2 we added some nice
new features to it.
This year, the traditional Black Friday offers for Symfony ecosystem come early. Hurry up because they won't repeat until next year!
30% discount on all Symfony, Sylius, and Twig certifications
Show your Symfony expertise! Exams are online and you can take them from anywhere in the world; vouchers are valid up to one year after the
How to get the discount? Visit Symfony Certification website and use the CERTIF_30_BF22
coupon when purchasing any voucher.