Symfony 5.3.14 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.3.13:
Symfony 5.3.14 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.3.13:
Symfony 4.4.37 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 4.4.36:
This was a very intense week for Symfony: first we introduced the new Symfony 6 certification exam, then we announced a new and better way to start Symfony projects and finally, we updated Symfony Flex to provide fast, smart Flex recipe upgrades which will simplify a lot upgrading to newer Symfony versions.
The Call for Papers for SymfonyLive Paris 2022 is open for a few more days, submit now your talk proposals in French until January 24th 2022.
Symfony Flex makes it easy to install a package and get everything you
need to start working immediately: new config files, changes to .env
, Docker
configuration and more.
When creating new Symfony projects, you can start with the bare-bones skeleton or the kitchen sink skeleton.
Symfony 6 was released at the end of November 2021, alongside Symfony 5.4.
Both versions share the exact same features, but Symfony 6.0 gets rid of all the
deprecated features and requires PHP 8.0.2 or higher.
This week, Symfony fixed some issues related to PHP enums and improved the performance when using many environment variables in your application.
Today, January 14th 2022, is the very last day to register at Early Bird rate for SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Summer Edition, the international online conference organized in English on June 16-17 2022. Pre-conference workshops will be organized online on June 14-15, workshop topics will be announced soon.
Early bird registration for SymfonyLive Paris 2022 conference organized on April 7-8 2022 ends today, January 10th 2022. Join us for a week of Symfony in French: 2-day workshops and 2-day conference from April 5th to 8th 2022!