Feed items

  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_argument::init(&$view, &$options) should be compatible with views_handler::init(&$view, $options) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_argument.inc on line 48.
  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::value_validate(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_handler_filter::value_validate($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_filter_boolean_operator.inc on line 111.
  • warning: Declaration of views_plugin_row_node_view::options_form(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_plugin_row::options_form($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/modules/node/views_plugin_row_node_view.inc on line 35.

[news] Email log target 1.0.0

First version of email log target package was released.
This package provides the email target for the yiisoft/log allowing to send logs via email.

[news] Mailer 1.0.0 and SwiftMailer 1.0.0

First releases of mailer package and its SwiftMailer adapter were released.
The mailer package provides the content composition functionality, and a basic interface for sending emails.
Actual mail sending is provided by separate interchangeable packages.
The following code can be used to send an email:

[news] Yii View 1.0.0

First releases of mailer package and its SwiftMailer adapter were released.
The mailer package provides the content composition functionality, and a basic interface for sending emails.
Actual mail sending is provided by separate interchangeable packages.
The following code can be used to send an email:

[news] View Twig Renderer 1.0.0

First releases of mailer package and its SwiftMailer adapter were released.
The mailer package provides the content composition functionality, and a basic interface for sending emails.
Actual mail sending is provided by separate interchangeable packages.
The following code can be used to send an email:

[news] View 1.0.0

First version of View package is released. This library provides templates rendering abstraction supporting layout-view-subview hierarchy, custom renderers with PHP-based as default and more. It is used in Yii Framework 3 but is supposed to be usable separately.
PHP templates look like the following:

[news] Data Response 1.0.0

First version of yiisoft/data-response pacakge was released.
The package allows responding with data that is then automatically converted into PSR-7
response using one of the formatters such as JSON or XML.

[extension] diggindata/yii2-kjua

QRCode (kjua) Extension for Yii 2

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Attributes List

This extension provides a kjua QR Code widget for Yii framework 2.0.
The kjua library is provided by github/lrsjng.

[news] Yii 1.1.24 is released and security support extended

First version of yiisoft/rate-limiter package was released.
RateLimiter helps to prevent abuse by limiting the number of requests that could be me made consequentially.
For example, you may want to limit the API usage of each user to be at most 100 API calls within a period of 10 minutes. If too many requests are received from a user within the stated period of the time, a response with status code 429 (meaning "Too Many Requests") should be returned.

[news] RateLimiter 1.0.0

First version of yiisoft/rate-limiter package was released.
RateLimiter helps to prevent abuse by limiting the number of requests that could be me made consequentially.
For example, you may want to limit the API usage of each user to be at most 100 API calls within a period of 10 minutes. If too many requests are received from a user within the stated period of the time, a response with status code 429 (meaning "Too Many Requests") should be returned.