
11/13/2024 - 02:58

The Laravel team released v11.31, which includes dynamic cache/db/mail builders, a cache token repository, a URL::forceHttps() convenience method, and more.

11/12/2024 - 23:44

Node v23.5.0 (Current)

11/12/2024 - 23:35 300w,

11/12/2024 - 15:28

The W3C Advisory Committee, having nominated seven individuals, is invited today to vote until 10 December 2024 to fill four seats in the

11/12/2024 - 03:51

PHPStan just released v2.0.0 this week! This massive update is three years in the making, consisting of over 180 items in the release. Creator Ondřej Mirtes had this to say about the release of PHPStan 1.0 over three years ago and now releasing 2.0:

11/11/2024 - 23:24

Node v23.5.0 (Current)