
09/29/2022 - 11:39

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.32. This is a security release.

This release addresses an infinite recursion with specially
constructed phar files, and prevents a clash with variable name mangling for
the __Host/__Secure HTTP headers.

All PHP 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

09/29/2022 - 02:00

I have a calls which help me display json directly in html table.

The code of Json2Table class is here

09/29/2022 - 02:00

GridView show sum of columns in footer
use yii\grid\DataColumn;

  • Sum of all the values in the column
  • @author shiv

    class TSumColumn extends DataColumn {
    public function getDataCellValue($model, $key, $index)

09/28/2022 - 19:40

Node v23.1.0 (Current)

09/28/2022 - 19:40

Node v20.4.0 (Current)

09/28/2022 - 15:03

The Laravel team released 9.32 with dd() file and line output, encrypting and decrypting .env files, a short syntax for blade component attributes, and more.
The post Laravel 9.32 Released appeared first on Laravel News.

09/28/2022 - 10:56

Affected versions

Twig >1.0.0,<1.44.7 || >2.0.0,<2.15.3 || >3.0.0,<3.4.3 are affected by this security issue.

The issue has been fixed in Twig 1.44.7, 2.15.3 and 3.4.3.


When using the filesystem loader to load templates for which the name is a user input, it is possible to use the source or include statement to read arbitrary files from outside the templates directory when using a namespace like @somewhere/../some.file (in such a case, validation is bypassed).

09/28/2022 - 02:00

In India have Aadhar number an we may need to valid it a input.
So I created a validator for yii2
use yii\validators\Validator;

class TAadharNumberValidator extends Validator

public $regExPattern = '/^\d{4}\s\d{4}\s\d{4}$/';

public function validateAttribute($model, $attribute)
if (preg_match($this->regExPattern, $model->$attribute)) {
$model->addError($attribute, 'Not valid Aadhar Card Number');