Feed items

  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_argument::init(&$view, &$options) should be compatible with views_handler::init(&$view, $options) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_argument.inc on line 48.
  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::value_validate(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_handler_filter::value_validate($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_filter_boolean_operator.inc on line 111.
  • warning: Declaration of views_plugin_row_node_view::options_form(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_plugin_row::options_form($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/modules/node/views_plugin_row_node_view.inc on line 35.

A Week of Symfony #801 (2-8 May 2022)

This week, Symfony continued fixing bugs on its upcoming Symfony 6.1 version. We also finished some new features for it, such as the support for Monolog 3. In addition, Symfony shut down the legacy infrastructure of Symfony Flex, because most people have already upgraded and the migration process is simple for those who haven't upgraded yet.

The old Flex infrastructure is shutting down

In September 2021, we announced that we were transitioning the Flex infrastructure to a public Github repository.
In November 2021, we wrote a blog post explaining how to transition (short version: upgrade to the latest symfony/flex version).

A Week of Symfony #800 (25 April - 1 May 2022)

This week, Symfony 4.4.41, 5.4.8 and 6.0.8 maintenance versions were released. In addition, the second beta of Symfony 6.1 was published so you can test it in your real projects before its final release.