Feed items

  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_argument::init(&$view, &$options) should be compatible with views_handler::init(&$view, $options) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_argument.inc on line 48.
  • warning: Declaration of views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::value_validate(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_handler_filter::value_validate($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/handlers/views_handler_filter_boolean_operator.inc on line 111.
  • warning: Declaration of views_plugin_row_node_view::options_form(&$form, &$form_state) should be compatible with views_plugin_row::options_form($form, &$form_state) in /home/clients/ru/domains/development4web.com/html/sites/all/modules/views/modules/node/views_plugin_row_node_view.inc on line 35.

SymfonyCorp is hiring!

Launched in 2018, SymfonyCorp is a company aiming at promoting the Symfony Open-Source framework by creating commercial products around it to ensure its sustainability. The SymfonyCorp team manages symfony.com, the Symfony conferences, the Symfony certification, SymfonyCloud, SymfonyInsight, SymfonyConnect, ...
We are pleased to announce that SymfonyCorp is hiring remote Symfony developers to work on its internal products and projects.

SymfonyLive Paris 2022 : le retour !

The French SymfonyLive conference is back in Paris on April 7-8 2022. Join us for a week of Symfony in French: 2-day workshops and 2-day conference!

A Week of Symfony #780 (6-12 December 2021)

This week, Symfony 5.4.1 and 6.0.1 maintenance versions were released. In addition, the SymfonyWorld 2021 Winter edition conference too place with great success.

Introducing Docker support

Over the years, Docker has become the de facto
standard for building, shipping and running server applications. Docker allows
you to store all the instructions needed to build the environment that will
host your software next to the code, in the repository of the project.

Symfony Demo 2.0 Introduces Support for Symfony 6.0

The Symfony Demo application was introduced in 2015 as a reference application
to show how to develop Symfony applications following the recommended best practices.
This demo application is useful to:

Symfony UX 2.0 & Stimulus 3 Support

Symfony UX is an initiative and set of libraries centered around the
Stimulus JavaScript library. And today, I'm pleased to announce several
new releases:

Symfony 6.0.1 released

Symfony 6.0.1 has just been released. Here is a list of the most
important changes:

Symfony 5.4.1 released

Symfony 5.4.1 has just been released. Here is a list of the most
important changes:

Symfony 5.4/6.0 curated new features

Symfony 5.4.0 and 6.0.0 have been released a few days ago. As for any other Symfony release, our backward compatibility promise applies and this means that you should be able to upgrade easily to 5.4 without changing anything in your code.

During the last couple of months, we've blogged about the great 5.4 new features. I highly recommend you to read these articles about Symfony 5.4 as they contain the major changes for this new version: