Both router and its FastRoute adapter went stable. These are very central packages in Yii3.
Both router and its FastRoute adapter went stable. These are very central packages in Yii3.
Both router and its FastRoute adapter went stable. These are very central packages in Yii3.
Both router and its FastRoute adapter went stable. These are very central packages in Yii3.
Both router and its FastRoute adapter went stable. These are very central packages in Yii3.
Both router and its FastRoute adapter went stable. These are very central packages in Yii3.
We are very pleased to announce the release of Yii Framework version 2.0.44.
Please refer to the instructions at
to install or upgrade to this version. This release includes a number of bug fixes as well as security enhancements and feature enhancements. Highlights are:
User package got stable release. It provides convenient user identity management and access checking:
Details are available in the package readme.
Translation message extractor got its first stable version. It is a command-line tool that allows automatically extracting translation IDs from PHP source files and writing them to
one of the translator message sources.
Translation message extractor got its first stable version. It is a command-line tool that allows automatically extracting translation IDs from PHP source files and writing them to
one of the translator message sources.