If you have content types with cck fields as node reference and if you use the print module, you notice you get a link to the node reference, but a link in a print document is not useful.
So below there is a solution to overwrite the default nodereference theme function to render the nodereference fields as a teaser inside the print format.
function YOURTHEME_nodereference_formatter_default($element) {
$output = '';
if (!empty($element['#item']['nid']) && is_numeric($element['#item']['nid']) &&
($title = _nodereference_titles($element['#item']['nid']))) {
//$output = l($title, 'node/'. $element['#item']['nid']);
//load node
$nodereference = node_load($element['#item']['nid']);
$output = node_view($nodereference,true,false,false);
return $output;